Well,today is Thanksgiving here in the US.I'm thankful to still be breathing and vertical , healthy and not alone, and most of all riding and building a shed. These past few weeks have been good for me. On nice days I walk out my back door and over to my job at my neighbors house along the edge of the cornfield that is behind our neighborhood . It's a killer commute !
Her son who just graduated from college is helping me so it's a nice way to spend a few hours a day outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine .This isn't being run like a regular job it's more like a communal project and there is no pressure to get it done and move on to the next thing.It's nice being retired. I'm using my tools and skills while staying safe from the Covid away from the world for the most part.We are finished with the framing and ready to move on to the next phase now after a nice three day break.
Spent yesterday raking leaves and then cleaned off the roof and rain gutters of another neighbors house . Today we cook and hang out enjoying and tomorrow I RIDE ! Yup, I ride tomorrow on the bike I've owned the longest out of all the motorcycles in my collection , my 1969 Yamaha DS6C
I've owned this motorcycle for 48 years now ! It was orange when it was new .When I restored it in 1990 I was able to get all original painted and chrome parts from dealerships from around the US and it became green,the other color it was offered in.This one stays with me until I leave this Earth .So.I have much to be thankful for today.I have good people in my life,lots of old motorcycles and old cars , my camp in the Adirondacks ,and my art. I've been neglecting my art .I did do one painting while up north at my camp this past summer but there are still some unfinished paintings that I need to get back to like this one I started FIVE years ago !
So,it looks like my winter being locked down due to Covid will be a busy one and that is something I am very thankful for indeed.Happy Thanksgiving to all you invisible people out there in the void of this never never land of the internet.