The Road

The Road

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Last Trip Up To Camp

 After riding home with a messed up back I got my wife's car all ready and six days after my return we were heading north again.It was nice to have my wife along for a change.The trip up was smooth and easy with two drivers and we arrived mid day .Got the place all set up and relaxed.Spent most of the trip just wandering about checking out the changing leaves.It was beautiful ! 

When we weren't out and about I was cutting firewood.Took down a couple large cherry trees that were dying or already dead. We needed firewood,it was cold and we needed to keep the woodstove going for heat. Managed to keep the place warn and get around a face cord of good wood stacked and sheltered for next season.There are still a couple trees I need to cut that are a threat to my buildings .I hate to take them but they are too close and can really hurt the buildings if bad weather brings them down .A couple maples,and a couple cherry so fire wood won't be a problem for a while.These are live healthy trees so they will need a year before I can start working off them. I'm at a crossroad again with my camp.I need to decide if I am going to go forward and finish the interior or just sell the place.I'm leaning towards finishing it because it's "Plan B " for retirement.If I can't get enough money together to buy a house out in Arizona I'll need to live up here for at least half the year . I could do that easily but my wife is a whole other story ! Boy,I sure do love Northern New York ,It's a really good "Plan B"

So,now I'm back in lala land .Went out riding on traffic choked roads yesterday on my Moto Guzzi. I'm fooling around with my 2 strokes some.Got the R5 and the DS6C up and running well but the 1966 YM1 and the 1965 YDS3 are fighting me every step of the way .As for the BMW K100, well , that needs money so I'm not even thinking about it for a while.The fuel pump circuit is still a problem and a new pump and temp coolant sensor  will set me back over 300 bucks so it sits until some money falls out of the sky and lands on me. I'm grateful I have other bikes to ride for sure !

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