The Road

The Road

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Life Has Been Crazy Lately



It all started with a phone call at 7:30 AM when my wife called telling me her car died.I went to where she was and determined that the fuel pump quit.Now this was an educated guess at this point. So we had the car towed home where I could work on it.Ordered a new pump and pulled out the spark plugs.They were worn so I got new ones. Tested for spark in all 4 cylinders and had it so I put all that back together and jacked up the car to remove the gas tank which is where the fuel pump resides in this car.While under I see major rust out in the rear portion of the frame.Stopped working and thought about it for a day then decided to junk the car.So,now we start looking for a replacement car on Craigslist. First one looked good,a 2000 Toyota with just under 120000 miles on it for 2500 bucks.Test drove it and it all felt good so we tell the guy we'll take it. We go to the bank to get the money and call him when he tells me he sold it. What a dirt bag ! Then we look at another one.Looks real nice in the ad but when we show up it is a different car than what was pictured in the ad.A total piece of shit that was a basket case.Then we see this  2009 Hyndai Sonata . We go and it's nice.The guy is a private guy who flips cars for his living.He wants 2600 for it.It runs good. He has all his dealer papers and the car had a Maine title.We bought it put 4 new tires on it ,had it aligned,I did a 4 wheel brake job, replaced the whole exhaust system, did an oil + filter change, replaced the engine air filter and cabin air filter,  then changed the transmission fluid and now we have a decent car for around 4000 bucks. It was a lot of work for me and I had to ferry my wife to work for a week or so 80 miles a day but I'm past it now and she's in a good car. While I waited for parts to be delivered I did manage to go riding on my motorcycles. Got three of them inspected last week so now I only have three more to go and they are set for another year. It hasn't rained in a month here in Long Island other than a scattered sprinkle in some places other than my neighborhood. There are small and not so small wild fires happening all over the place. The Earth is fighting  back and the human race will lose that battle for sure. Nature always wins in the end. So, here we are at the end of 2024 It's November and I've been riding a motorcycle in a T shirt ! This is crazy, usually I'm all decked out in my leathers and it's 50 degrees F out not 75. Well, the year I was born there were 2.5 billion people on planet Earth and now in my short 75 years of life there are over 8 billion. The problem that our idiotic so called leaders refuse to even recognize is starting to take us out. I'm glad I'm old !Well, I did my bit. I didn't reproduce.  But this didn't change anything because when we were all going on about zero population growth in the 1960's and 70's the forces of greed took over and shut down those who opposed their agenda. How are they supposed to make money hand over fist with a limited supply of customers and slaves.  Yup, debt slaves keep the machine going so the parasites at the top can live the good life. Soon the constant wars over oil will be replaced with wars over water rights and food will be something that many will start going without. I feel bad for the kids. We are leaving them a world that is so messed up that we can't fix it. Well, nature will fix it just like she fixed it when the other extinctions took place in the past. I wonder what she will replace us with.

The Earth is alive. it's a living being and we are just a small part of it's body. From where I'm standing it looks like humanity is like an infectious virus that is making Earth sick. But, Earth has a good immune system that will fight us off in the end and we will be eradicated like any other common virus that attacks the body. Earth has been here 4 or 5 billion years , us about 250000 or so years . A blink of an eye in geological time . Look how we have managed to destroy the paradise we were brought into in what amounts to a fraction of a second since we became " industrialized " and pushed the American Dream on the rest of the world  coning them into thinking we are making their lives better when in reality all we are doing is allowing a handful of super rich dirt bags to suck us and our planet dry for their own personal greed motivated  gain . Oh but wait, we have the answer, go buy an electric car and this will solve the whole problem . Yeah right

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