A blog about my travels and adventures on my 1975 Moto Guzzi 850-T and my 1988 BMW K100 RS
The Road

Monday, January 25, 2016
Update ,Work In The Garage (art,the blizzard,& bike work)
It's been a while,I've been busy out in the garage cleaning out the crap.It took over and I finally decided to attack the mess so for the last two weeks I've been clearing out the unwanted stuff, cleaning ,and organizing my shop.This is no easy task,things got stuffed in every place imaginable over the years as I lost my other storage spaces one by one.Well,I am coming to terms with it now as I start the process of clearing out all the stuff I can't bring with me to Arizona.Found this cool old generator buried under some auto parts Decided to make it work and put it up at my camp to run the water pump.I can leave it there and when the place gets sold let the next guy have it.It's pretty cool but not cool enough to keep so I'll go thru it and get it functional after I get the DS6C finished and up for sale.
The DS6C is starting to come together now.I bought a truing stand and trued up the wheels I put together for it the other day.You know,there are limits on how long I can stay in the garage cleaning so I do other stuff to break things up some.It takes a couple hours to get the garage warm with the heater in the morning so usually I use this time to do those other things.It's going to be a fine bike for someone to own and enjoy.Wish I could keep it but Arizona is calling and I'll be 67 in a couple months so it's time to thin the herd some and get down to just 4 or 5 bikes.
I like spending time in my garage doing this.I'm handling all my little treasures and finding things I forgot I even had.It's like therapy going thru the piles of parts and finding this lost treasure then sorting thru it on my workbench as I glance out the window past other treasures I have sitting on the shelf. It's a good feeling cleaning out the place.
I only have one corner left to sort thru.The motors are all over there.A shelf with motorcycle engines,2 MOPAR slant 6's on stands in front of the shelf and a 6 cylinder Chevy motor that I got fucked on back in November on another stand.This one really pisses me off but,I have let it go and changed my plans.I was going to put the 6 in my 71 Chevy C20 truck and pull out the 350 V8 to get better gas mileage but to fix this motor will cost another 4 or 5 hundred on top of the 350 dollars I already spent to buy it .It's a loosing proposition.The V8 runs fine but only gets 8 or so MPG .The 6 would get better gas mileage but it will take so long to recover the 8 or 9 hundred dollars it will now cost that it's not worth the effort so to the scrap yard it goes ! This is the fate of lots of the auto parts I had in the shop.I've beef filling the back of the truck for two weeks now with scrap metal.Was doing this right up to Friday night and then the blizzard struck !
The blizzard was bad.It started in the middle of the night Friday night and ended Sunday morning before dawn sometime.We got 2 feet of snow and I spent the entire day yesterday(Sunday) digging myself out.After I dug us out I spent the afternoon digging my neighbor out and made some money for parts for the DS6C .Always wheeling & dealing.Storms always make money for me either with the snow blower or the chain saw .
On Saturday while the storm was raging I took some photos and had some fun in PhotoShop with them making some abstract things.I like doing this.
Been doing some painting as well.I did quite a few paintings over the holidays.Here are a couple of them.I've been very productive this past few weeks,too bad I'm not making any money but that's the way it goes these days in this land of the rich and home of the greedy.Overall Things are pretty good ,I'm keeping busy out in the garage,down in the basement ,or in the house in my little studio where I hang out with my 3 tortoises and paint pictures.But,I'm getting antsy and I want to head on down some really cool road I've never seen before out in the desert or in the mountains meeting new people and going to new places.It's my time for this now.
Well,it's too cold out in the garage to work there today,besides,there is 2 feet of snow in the driveway where I would normally put one of my bikes while I work.I'll shovel some today but not too much,I'm tired of that shit.No,today I think I'll take a break and paint.It's going to warm up tomorrow and rain .By the end of the week most of this garbage will be melted so I think I'll just chill and let nature do the rest of that work as I paint some and sort thru more auto and unneeded motorcycle parts .Putting stuff up for sale on the internet too.Sold some exhaust parts and have to get them shipped.I wonder what goodies I'll find to sell off next !
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