It's mid March and cold here in New York.The Covid is letting up some but it's still always there lurking and front & center in my mind. Been trying to get started working again in the shed and have built a door frame but these past few days have been too cold and wet to hang it and start making the door.You see, it's all outside work and the wind that comes across that cornfield out back from the north west is wicked . So, today is sunny but too damn cold to even bother to try.Sitting here I started to look thru some old photographs .Found these pictures from the very early 70's of my friend Victor that I took when we drove east across the country in 1971 in my old 1960 Ford Panel truck.I loved that truck man.Sure wish I could get one today but they are totally out of reach financially .
This trip was supposed to be the beginning of a journey to Mexico where Victor is from but it wasn't meant to be.Half way across the country he learned it wasn't a good time for him to bring Hugh and I down from his family there so he just went up to Boston to meet his girlfriend and Hugh and I ended up high hiking to Alaska.Those were good days for me, carefree and able to do as I pleased.That trip was awesome and life was good. After returning I started my little painting and refinishing business and
Lived in my truck for a while and hich hiked around to places like Nova Scotia . Blew the motor in the truck in the fall of 72 and there began my first motor job. See that bike there,I had just bought that.I still have it today all these years later.
Got a junk yard motor for a hundred bucks and put it in.Couldn't get the thing to run,Fooled with it for a couple weeks until I gave up and got another motor.It was probably just a bad timing chain but I had no idea what I was doing back then so I scrapped it and in went the second motor.Got her running real good and things were great for 6 days when some asshole ran a red light and t boned me totaling my truck.. It was December,I had no money but I found some work and my friends mother who I was renting a room from at the time loaned me her car so I could work.Got paid and found this gem
I had this truck for the next 11 years ! So many good times .I haven't seen these photos in years so I guess it's a good thing the weather is too damn cold to work today.Life is returning to normal for me now.My leg is healing nicely and Spring is right around the corner.Went out riding the other day on my Yamaha R5 . Every time I ride now I'm able to use my leg a little better and with way less pain.Gotta get back into shape, who knows,I may ride out west this summer with any luck.
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