So, back in the winter of 2018 I put the original motor back in this bike after storing it for the better part of 20 years . I was saving it for when I sell the bike.I wanted to have a good running numbers matching motor & framed bike in really nice condition to sell.That job fought me every step of the way but in the end came out real nice. I used the bike riding it around locally with a 4 sale sign on it and also had it listed on Craiglist for sale but didn't get any real action.It seemed like the motor may have an air leak between the case halves or the float level in the carbs wasn't rich enough.I had given the motor new crank seals so I know they are good and decided to re set the carbs and ignition timing.Dove in the other day ,got everything just right and was going to take her in for an inspection to get her all legal on Wednesday . Took her up the street and she ran great.Did that a couple times and all was good so I parked her. Got all ready to head out for a day of riding and when I went to start her the kick start jammed ! Bad news , this killed any chance of riding this bike and meant that I have to pull the motor out and split the case to get at the transmission. Today this job begins.I put the other spare motor on the work bench and today I pull out the original motor AGAIN !
Now I find myself sitting here writing while I wait as the garage heats up on this very cold 22 degree F day here in New York. If all goes well I will have the motor swap finished tomorrow so I can take her in for inspection next week while I pull apart the original motor to see what I need to do to fix it.
Oh well,it is what it is. All I know is someone is going to get an all fixed up fine running 54 year old motorcycle when I finally do sell her.With a little luck this and the orange 1970 DS6C will get sold this Spring and I will be able use the proceeds to head west on my Moto Guzzi for a nice 2 month ride all over the place visiting old friends and making some new ones.
I'm finally getting down to the business of getting out of here and heading to Arizona for good .This work is all part of that as is the trip out west this summer.I have managed to save my social security and sell off enough old auto parts to get a good amount of money to invest in the stock market with the hope of growing it into the down payment on the house. It's been a long strange trip to get to where I am now. Been wracking my brain trying to come up with a way to fund this move and I think I'm finally pointed in the right direction. So now it's off to the cold garage to start my day .I'd rather be riding but to play you have to pay so today I pay and tomorrow I play
My Moto Guzzi Playing
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