The Road

The Road

Friday, April 3, 2020

Dark Thoughts On The Corona

I'm 71 years old this month and really am doubting I'll see 72 .For years and years I have been saying that the Earth can't handle this amount of human population.Back in the late 60's and all thru the 70's there was a group called Zero Population Growth who used to run public service ads on radio and tv .Well,we all know what happened don't we . The religious loony tunes took over the government and we went from having 5 billion people in 1985 to 8 billion in 2020.  In 1949 when I was born there were only 2.7 billion  so in my short lifetime of 71 years we added 6 billion people and we wonder why there is climate change and endless war .  Gee, I wonder why Nature is slapping us down with Covid19 now . Perhaps it's not nature at all, perhaps is a group of rich greedy dirt bags who want to cull the herd so they can have the good life again with just a few slaves left to take care of their needs. Ever wonder what that seed vault that was built by Bill Gates and his friends was all about? Looks to me like we are about to find out in short order. I'm having doubts about the sincerity and honesty of our so called government leaders. I believe we are getting the shaft . Well, I said my piece now we can wait and see where this goes.  Is it the powerful greedy or is it nature correcting a big mistake she made .Deep down I have a feeling this isn't going to end well so prepare yourselves.

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