Now it's mid April. This mess the Human Race is dealing with is dragging on .The days go slow when it's cold or rainy out.I'm alone from the time I wake at 7AM until 6 PM when my wife returns from work.She is a supermarket worker and this puts her and myself at risk but someone has to get the food to people so it is what it is. On nice days I get out and ride my motorcycles to keep my sanity.I wash my hands so much the skin feels like it is going to fall off .The loneliness is oppressive ,there is no escape from it .Online activity doesn't cut it and it gets harder and harder to keep occupied .I'm sure many of us feel exactly the same. This is our new world and we have no choice other than to keep moving forward . There is no turning around to get back to the past life we all once knew.Today the sun is shinning and it's in the low 50's F here in New York. I'm going out riding on my Moto Guzzi some. Maybe I'll bring my camera and see something cool to photograph. This morning there were these two geese on the roof of the house across the street just honking like crazy .Never saw geese do that before , usually they are on the ground in the field behind my house . Sometimes a hundred or more ! Saw the ground hog that lives under my shed sunning itself on a piece of wood I have on the ground in front of the door .The wildlife is moving back in and becoming bold with all the Humans hiding in their houses. It happens fast .They adapt to and exploit this new reality they have. The air is very clean these days around here.The sky is free of all those ugly nasty lines of aircraft pollution that cross the sky. There are many positive things about the situation when you look at things from a different viewpoint than that of a Human. One can see how nature reacts and cleanses the Earth . Not much else to say ,there's just nothing going on these days as Covid 19 dominates our planet . It all comes from Nature.We come from Nature ,our universe comes from Nature ,and our end does as well. This may not be our end . I think of it more as a preview of things to come .I believe we can change course and alter the outcome some but when Humanities number is up it's up and when that day arrives Nature will prevail.
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