The Road

The Road

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

So Yesterday I Painted

 It's been brutally cold here in NY for this time of year and heating oil is out of reach financially so we have to make do with what we have.Thankfully spring is close at hand and this polar vortex thing is easing up.Yesterday it was cold in the house with the heat set on 60 degrees F but the basement is small and the wind doesn't get in down there so it's easy to heat it up a bit with a small electric heater. This is exactly what I did and hung out down in my workshop painting.I set up my easel and my paints&brushes and did this painting .

It was fun and kept me occupied . Been trying to bring my old Chevy C20 truck back into service to use while I figure out what is the problem with the little Chevy S 10 . It's just too damn cold outside to fool with this stuff again today so I guess I'll be down in the basement  painting. Still waiting on the sale of that nice little orange DS6C Yamaha  to happen.Starting to have my doubts about it being sold and beginning to think about listing it on Craigslist and some other places .I need it gone so I can begin another and another after that too.Time is rapidly moving forward towards the day I want to leave this place and head west to the desert. I turn 73 in a few weeks ! Can't deal with this winter crap much longer. Well, at least I have a place where I can paint and stay somewhat comfortable so that's what I'm gonna do today. There is a blank canvas waiting for something to appear on it so I guess I'll get to it. My work can be seen here : Like motorcycles , painting also keeps me sane . Here is a photo of part of the herd . 

I do love my motorcycles ! Well,the warm weather is right around the corner and who knows where I'll be riding 3 months from now.It could be to a place like this 

Sometimes I think that I'm never going to get to move out west and I should just take another one of those 3 month long road trips before it's too late for me to do it.I'm starting to come to realize that I'm getting priced out of ever being able to buy a house where I want to go.What I could afford just one year ago is now out of reach and the bank rates are climbing ever higher all the time.Well this is the way it is in the land of the rich and the home of the greedy.It just gets worse and worse all the time and then some butt plug like Putin comes along and really  screws it up .It will probably take a decade to recover from this garbage and I'll more than likely be dead and gone.So maybe I should get a plan B going and start just traveling.Well,I'm gonna paint for now and just sort of chill out.Who knows what tomorrow will bring.

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