A blog about my travels and adventures on my 1975 Moto Guzzi 850-T and my 1988 BMW K100 RS
The Road

Sunday, February 1, 2015
Old School Rules !
OLD SCHOOL RULES!!!!!And the boat I never took.
What a day! I rode up to ludington Michigan where the ferry to Wisconsin is.It was an easy ride.nice and cool out and everywhere i stopped people came over and talked with me.I love traveling on a bike.This just doesn't happen in a car.Riding down the road a couple of other bikers give me the thumbs up as they pass,life on the road is good.The ferry is expensive.almost a buck forty to cross! I might turn south and drive around.I'm undecided but leaning in that direction but then again it would be cool to take an 80 mile ferry ride across a lake.Decisions decisions,life is a bitch sometimes.
The weather has turned delightful.It's in the 70's and sunny with a nice breeze.I'm sitting in my tent with my Ipod doing this post in text edit to post when I get a signal next time.Today has been a very relaxing day.I rolled in about 1pm and have just been enjoying doing nothing.This is the first time in about 2 months I've just done nothing!Tomorrow or the next day,whenever it is that I get over on the other side of the lake I'm going to visit one of my cyber friends .This should be interesting.He invited me to stay for a couple days.We plan on riding our bikes and?Ah,the freedom of a road trip,there's nothing better in this life!
Fast forward 2 hours. Talked to my friend and he's only free tomorrow night so I decided to can that side trip due to the 140 dollar cost of the boat ride.It's just not worth it for one night so here's the new plan.Tomorrow when I get up and fed and packed I'm heading north along the east shore of Lake Michigan and going over the bridge to the u p of Michigan ,ride along rt 28 along the south shore of Superior and pick up US2 where they merge and continue on my trip westward to Montana and then up into the Canadian Rockies.
Now it's evening on this beautiful day.I'm in a very good place mentally ,I'm happy and enjoying my freedom .I might get squashed like a bug on a windshield but if I do know this,I'm happy.
Now it's getting dark,I'm still here in my tent dodging the mosquitos that are all over the place outside.This computer is great,I'd be loosing my marbles if I was trapped in here with nothing to do,It's really amazing,I have a stereo plugged into my head and I'm typing away on my little computer out here in this incredible woods.I truly am a lucky man.It's as if things are planned out for me in life sometimes.Work just falls out of the sky on me,I have incredible friends , I have my health ,and I'm free of most of the materialistic bullshit and status that somehow manages to control most people. As I reflect on my upbringing and how I was beaten and fought back I quickly realize that this is where my independence comes from. Not that my parents were right in dishing out the load of shit they did but without realizing it they did me a huge favor in turning me off to the normal middle class lifestyle they and their peers lived.They turned me into a rebel at a very young age and that spirit is still alive in me.You know, the first time I ran away from home I was 6 ! I was out for 3 months at 17 and out for good by 20.I couldn't get far enough away fast enough and I grew to love the road and the adventure of being out there alone.I think back to when I hich hiked to Alaska .I did the return trip with only the 40 dollars I made working shoveling horse shit on this farm and didn't even have a tent.Just a good sleeping bag and the skills I learned in Boy Scouts. I knew how to stay warm and dry,make shelter and I did ok.That trip at age 22 really prepared me for life.It was me bringing up myself and here I am at age 61 still growing and discovering the world.I really am a lucky man indeed.
I rode up the east coast of Lake Michigan and in late afternoon crossed the Mackinac Bridge to the upper peninsula. Rode about 30 miles west and found a real nice state camp ground right on the lake.I'm loving it! The weather has been nothing less than incredible.Tomorrow is going to be a good one too but tomorrow night there will be thunder storms and Thursday too so I think I'll get as far as I can tomorrow and hold up there until Friday.Who knows,I might even get to post this but if I can't I will just keep on updating it daily until I can or my 2 batteries run out.Got some nice photos today of the lake and the bridge.Things are good.The bike is running well and I'm settling into a routine of life on the road.
It's morning now.Last night was really incredible.It was light out until after 10 pm and right off shore there was a colony of maybe 500 birds just going wild as the darkness set in.Music! It got cold last night.must have been in the high 40's or very low 50's.Very good sleeping weather.It's a beautiful morning as I sit here writing this looking out at the water and drinking my coffee.Wonder what today will bring.There is a couple camped next door who are traveling on a tandem bicycle .I really love the people of the road!So interesting,not afraid to do want they want and living like scared rodents in the cities.The birds just flew.What a sight! before I set out on this trip some of the people I know were telling me I'm crazy to go out like this all alone.One guy, a retired police captain,was asking if I was armed! He was going on & on about all the nasty shit out there.I just smiled and told him no.It's all in what you project I told him. If you project fear then you will find bad times,if you project happiness and confidence you will meet good people and have a fine time.He didn't have a clue as to what I was talking about!.
Rode up to Superior.Took these back roads and ended up on a 40 mile journey thru the woods on dirt roads.It was a tough ride.The road was 6 inch deep sand at times and it was like riding in snow! It's hard controlling 700 lbs in sand but here I am all safe in a campsite.Stopped in this cool diner and people were telling me to take shelter because a bad storm is bearing down on us.It's starting to blow real hard and very gray out,I'm on a bluff overlooking Lake Superior.Hope I don't get blown away or pelted to death by hail! I'll post more after the storm,gotta get ready now.
Now it's Thursday night.I.m real close to Minnesota.I'm in a place called Iron River Wisconsin at a 40 dollar motel.Just did my laundry and things are still good.Rode 8 hours today and did some serious distance.Tomorrow I'm heading into Minnesota and on to North Dakota if all goes well and I get up and out of hear early enough.I'll be writing each night and posting like this whenever I can.My batteries are all charged and ready for the next round of camping out in the north woods.Good night from the road
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