The Road

The Road

Monday, February 6, 2023

In A Dream

 In a dream it all became clear.For well over 50 years I have thought about the brightness that was  in my head on this acid trip I took way back in 1968. It was a life changing experience that I could never really explain in my mind. Even after all these years passing and the fact that I quit all drugs and alcohol way back in the mid 1970's it still remains fresh in my mind .Actually I think the psychedelics are where I got the strength to quit all drugs. This is how they helped me,they gave me an inner strength to do what I really wanted to do with my life . It seems now here in 2023 others are discovering the benefits of opening the door to your perception of this circus we call reality. Well, the other night I was dreaming and was in space .There was stars and emptiness everywhere but one star had a different kind of light .It was distant but shining brightly.As I slept I kept dreaming and this whole theory of how the entire universe is just pure energy came into my mind.Everything is energy and the energy field is infinite because energy can't be destroyed or created it can only be changed back and forth between kinetic energy and potential energy .Thinking deeper I concluded that the universe probably pulses back and forth between these two energy states and that's all there is , nothing more , no guy in the clouds passing judgment, no anything just the brightness.When the brightness was revealed to me thru psychedelics it actually absorbed me. I didn't experience it, it just was and I was it and it was me and everything all at the same time. It's just energy , that's all there is. No life or death , just a positive and a negative to everything .The energy that makes up us is not destroyed  or no longer in existence it just transforms into other forms as it merges with the surrounding energy field. It's an infinite process of back and forth. Then I woke up .It was a strange peacefulness that I was in and at that point I understood that it doesn't matter what I or anything  or anyone else does.It's totally random and without meaning .The energy just is and will always be . Sort of like reincarnation but not as something we can even begin to understand. It's not as if you are going to come back as a dog or a fly nope, the energy has endless possibilities in it's ever changing dimension that is way beyond us and our ability to comprehend . When I woke I thought how lucky I was to have made it thru that trip. It was so powerful and I was all alone. I am still figuring it out more than fifty years later. At the time I had no idea what I had experienced but now I'm understanding why native people in the jungles and deserts  and mountains used these drugs to guide then with visions . Now I'm reading about how people are using psychedelics to overcome health problems and failed therapy  . Here is a link to an AP article about this:

Very interesting read . I have a friend who went down to South America around 6 or 7 years ago to take this drug with shaman . His life changed  drastically for the better in his opinion. He  divorced ,left his life here in New York City behind  met a girl , moved to the Yucatan  and started a family. I do miss my friend and riding and working on motorcycles together but when I look at it objectively I think he's right , his life is better now than before because he's doing what really matters to him. It really is amazing what a full blown psychedelic experience can do. It can drive some totally mad but for others it shines a light on the path forward thru the darkness. It's good to see that this stuff is finally gaining some acceptance . When I do my digital art I kinda go towards that place I went in my mind all those years ago  but they never come close to the intensity of what was that night 50 some years ago. The one in the middle is sort of what was but not really.The brightness is something that can't be captured in art or with a camera but it is a source of inspiration for art. I began making art 10 years after this trip and have never stopped.

This is where it all comes from.

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