For the most part my old friends have all gone their separate ways . What I learned from the time I was on facebook is that you can't go back. I left facebook way back in 2016 and have never regretted it for one second .I encountered many of my old friends there and after the initial "hey how are you. Wow it 's been 40 years" you find out that you have very little if not nothing in common . I get these stupid emails from this classmates site .It never ends ,they are just trying to pick my pocket so I ignore them. It's my own fault for signing up for it but , I thought going back could be fun. This is just not the way it is . Nope, it's more like this . I'm in a totally different reality than the majority of my friends from my youth. We were all pretty crazy back then in the 60's but that craziness faded with age or perhaps got buried and hidden to protect some sort of corporate identity or some such thing.Me,I don't care . I just go on doing what I like .You know , painting with my paints ,riding my vintage motorcycles,hiding out up at my camp in the Adirondacks.Never really had much interest it that whole middle class thing chasing after lots of money and getting that big house and that 90,000 dollar SUV. So,as I begin my 73rd trip around the sun I am looking to the future.Not all my old friends went this way., just the ones from my former life that I began to leave behind in the mid 70's when I quit drinking and taking drugs. I made new friends and they became my old friends. Right now one of my best old friends is doing battle with hart disease.He and I built cars together for around 25 years.It was such fun working on these old cars.I miss those days.It's touch & go with my friend and I worry for him.This is the stuff that comes with age but we all go thru it at some point . I think the trick is to never stop. This is my plan anyway. I'm going to keep running until I drop .I think it's better that way.You know ,I may get slightly less time that way but the time I do get will be of a higher quality .All those doctor visits ,tests,drugs ,insurance bills ,out of pocket expenses and so on over the course of a working life time cost a huge amount of money and that money equates to time which is really the only true currency there is in this life. I skipped it . I paid myself time instead and in the end when it's all added up I believe I come out ahead. Stopped going to doctors when I was 28 and dropped the insurance when I was 30. I could make less and have more time to ride ,go to the beach,hike in the woods,and generally enjoy my life .It was a big gamble but I took care of myself .Stopped eating red meat about the same time I quit drinking at 26 years old. Pretty much ate mostly organic ,stayed thin,got lots of exercise and fresh air and took my vitamins. Maybe it is genetic ,maybe it's the choices I made ,or maybe it's just dumb luck but I'm still pushing forward . So, as I begin my 73rd year I'm thinking I'd really like to get on my motorcycle and just disappear for a few months.Screw it, that's what life is for and if I get squashed like a bug on a windshield so what,it beats doctors ,insurance companies ,hospitals ,and all the misery they dispense to give you a few extra days while they pick your pockets dry.Age gives a different perspective on things . This is where I wanna be !
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