It all started with a motorcycle trip up to my camp in May of 2015.
I hadn't been up to my camp for 5 long years.I tried to get there a few times but something always stopped me.The weather forced me to turn back a couple times and also caused me to not even bother once.Another time the bike broke down and I had to rent a truck to get it home. So I put my foot down in 2015 and decided I would go no matter what. When I got there it was a mess.Here are some photos of that
Someone had tried to break in but failed . The siding was all rotted and animals were chewing their way thru it to get inside.The barn had a hole in the roof and the door had been forced open but nothing was taken. I was so upset I just took some photos and got back on my bike and headed home. As I rode I thought about the place and got even more upset. Took a motel room when it started to get dark and went to sleep.On the ride home the next day a plan started to form in my head. I was going to head back up as soon as possible and fix this. Things worked out once home.Some work fell out of the sky and landed on me. It was a big job and I could break it up into smaller parts taking breaks to go up north to work on the camp.In June I made my first trip back..
I started by cutting the tree up that fell on the building. Did that pretty much as soon as we arrived then I rigged a shower so we could get clean after the 8 hour drive up and the work we did setting up a camp.
We had to cook and sleep outdoors on this trip because the animals pretty much trashed the inside of the place. We knew this going into this trip.We brought masks and goggles,disposable gloves and paper full length painters suits so we were protected from any disease like Hanta Virus from the hordes of mice that passed thru the place over the past 5 years. So,after getting set up and having a nice dinner outside we hit the tent and slept.The next morning our dumpster was supposed to arrive so after breakfast I went into town to call about it.We have no cell service out in the woods.So I'm in the town and I'm seeing all these cops all over the place.Didn't think much of it. I had forgotten all about the story in the news a few days earlier about the escaped prisoners from Danamora . I returned to camp put a big sign with the address number in the window of my car parked out on the road so the driver could find us and just hung out having coffee while we got suited up to start tearing into this mess. We no sooner got the suits on when this guy appears.I assumed he was the driver with my dumpster but he turned out to be a US Marshal. He identified himself and we did the same.I dropped a few names of the neighbors who were natives of the town and told him I have owned the place for 40 years. He was a nice guy and we chatted a while before he left he told us to be careful and keep an eye out for strangers. Asked if we were armed I said no but I'll turn them into chop meat with the chain say or axe then if they cone around here .He laughed and took off. Still waiting for the dumpster we decided to start ripping out the insulation that the mice were nesting in.We had the place all torn apart when these two state troopers with machine guns show up. We identified ourselves and gave them the ok to look around. They told us that these guys were really dangerous before moving on to the next place. Right after they left the dumpster finally arrived and we started to fill it.
That was the end of our encounters with the giant manhunt going on . I never thought these two morons would survive in the woods in June.The insects would be eating them alive and being out in the elements in the wilderness areas of Northern New York can really take it's toll on you if you don't know what you're doing.We finished the work after 3 days and on Monday headed back to long Island . After about a week we heard on the news that the police shot and killed one of them and seriously wounded the other one . They spent their last weeks of life being hunted like the animals they were.
Now it's July 2015 and I'm back up at the my camp alone cleaning , ordering lumber , and riding my motorcycle some. I drove up in my old 1971 Chevy C 20 pick up with my 71 Yamaha R5 in the back to use while up here and save on gas.
This trip I finally started to fix the place. After cleaning the entire inside of the building with bleach and letting it air out for a day I moved in. First job was to put the kitchen counter back in place and set up a kitchen.Then the bed got all set up and I was home !
Spent the rest of the July trip working on fixing the barn roof. This was no easy task .
After fixing the structure I put down a layer of tar paper then 90 weight roll roofing.In August I will put on roofing shingles over this for a roof that will out last me. After getting the roof covered with this under layer I started measuring for the lumber needed to reside the other building .Went to this mill that this young Amish guy runs a few miles away and placed the order.He told me he'd have it all cut and ready for me in the third week in August when my next trip was planned. Spent the last few days riding and enjoying as I reconnected with my camp and Northern New York.
The August trip was done in my little 65 Valiant station wagon. I had placed an order at the mill for the siding lumber and the wagon could handle that job so I used it to save on gas. The truck gets 8 mpg most times,on a good day 10. The wagon on the other hand gets about 24 to 26 with that sweet littls 170 cu in slant 6 and the 4 speed behind it. I had most of the roofing shingles already there .I had brought them up years before . Had them as left overs from a job I did with a friend on his garage. He said take them rather than return them to the lumberyard so I stuck them in the barn. I started right in when I arrived working on the roof in the morning and getting lumber in the afternoon.
I could only take so much of the heat up on the roof so it was a good plan.Cold shower at lunch time then a trip to the mill to haul lumber and carry it up the hill & and stack it.Each afternoon I did this until I had all the lumber on site . After getting it all up the hill and stacked outside I cleared a space inside to stack it where it could dry so when I returned in late September I could start hanging new siding on the back side of my place . It was a very productive trip and I had real good weather to work in.
Now it's the end of September and my wife is going to come up with me to help me put up the siding.It is much easier with another pair of hands and goes faster even though I do all the actual work so I'm real happy about this. We started by moving all the wood outside .The original plan was to do both front and back but as I got into it I realized the front could get put off for another year or two.It wasn't rotted and full of holes from animals chewing thru it like the back .The back needed serious work.I had to do all sorts of work to the windows before we could start hanging the siding.The job went well
A couple good long days and that was finished.It was getting cold so I also had to get the stove operational .Got that going just as we were finishing up the siding and getting ready for the total eclipse of the moon the next night.
The day of the eclipse was clear as a bell and we went out wandering around in the car hiking here and there .After a good day out in the world we stopped and had dinner at this Italian place we like in Potsdam.Driving east towards home we saw the moon rise .It was huge. it was a couple hours before it got really dark and then it started. As the moon fell into Earths shadow it turned a redish brown color and the sky got darker and darker so more and more stars appeared. My camp is in one of the last places in the north east US where there is no light pollution and when it's dark the sky lights up with the Milky Way and about ten billion other stars .It is truly a sight to behold. This night was special ,not only did we have billions of stars but we also had this redish brown moon there giving off no light. There was a pack of coyotes in the woods about a hundred feet from us barking howling screaching like mad . It was music ! This went on for quite some time and as the moon started to reappear the stars started to vanish as did the coyotes.It was an incredible event and we were all alone in the woods sharing it with a pack of coyotes.Doesn't get any better than this !
We still had a few days left so we spent them wandering about enjoying the fall colors before closing up the camp for the winter.
It was a very productive 1st year of a long term fix up of my camp I was thinking as I was leaving for home.I reestablished my link with my camp ,kicked out the mice , saved the barn from falling apart , and spent a good amount of time making new contacts in the area and enjoying my little piece of paradise .
Now it's Spring of 2016 I'm back up at my camp and another season of fixing up the place begins . Now that the place has been made habitable I decided to kick back some and enjoy the place while still moving forward with the work.So , I decided that I would build an outhouse . I brought my kayak up with me this trip along with my 1971 Yamaha R5 to enjoy. Went down the river in Potsdam and explores some and took a bunch of real nice rides when I wasn't digging the hole for the outhouse.
It's hard work digging a hole in the Adirondacks. There are rocks in the ground and sometimes they are too big to even take out.Lucky for me I could get the rocke out of this hole but then I hit hard pan . At this point I decided to built rather than dig anymore.I was at about 3 1/2 feet down . I can make the hole deeper after it's all built. I thought about using a gas powered post hole digger so I bought one to do a fence job back on Long Island but when I was using it the bit hit a root and stopped while the 3 hp motor kept spinning and it slammed my leg,sprained my wrist,and threw me into some loose fence cutting my head ! This took place in the summer of 2019 now I'm thinking of using an electric jack hammer to get thru this shit. Anyway back to 2016 and building the outhouse. I went ahead and built it over the course of the 2016 season not finishing the inside or the door.I just boarded it up and left it until I could come up with a solution to getting past the hard pan. So , I still dig a hole to use as a privy each time I'm there for now keeping the outhouse unused so I can keep digging in there.With any luck I'll get it done in 2020 .
Spent much of my time enjoying the north country. The Kayak was a great source of enjoyment as was the motorcycle and just camping.I was alone for June/July's trip and also the August trip . In the Fall my wife came along and we had a great time exploring and finding new places.We also got to know out neighbors some and had dinner with them one evening .I did some serious cooking on the campfire too which I really love to do. Met a guy to ride with on the 4th of July and have been riding with him a few times since. Lots of this was covered in posts that didn't get deleted so I'm not going to go into detail.The summer of 2016 was productive and very much enjoyable . My camp has come back from a neglected mess and I'm a happy guy.
Another project was cleaning out the barn. I got into that one day.
Pulled out this old WWII Vintage generator I want to restore at some point and cleaned it up some making sure the motor was still free and lubricated. Then it was on to the table saw and joiner unit I have.This belonged to a late friend who passed away in 2000 . I bought it from his widow just to have for up here .I keep it lubricated and covered so it doesn't rust .If I ever get to finishing the interior of the cabin it will come in real handy .
When the time for the Fall trip arrived my wife was able to take time and come along.We had a nice vacation just hanging out and going here and there checking out all these places. I cut some dead trees down for fire wood and we were nice and warm when we hung out at the camp at night. One day we went west and explored
Another day we headed to the east and discovered a really nice place the state just took over.It was a great camp built in the 1920's or 30's by some rich lumber company owner
It was a real nice place and way off the beaten path .We had the place all to ourselves and really enjoyed it.Sure hope the state doesn't let it turn to crap thru neglect.They are known to do stupid things like that . We continued on down the road off into the eastern part of the Adirondacks for a while longer then headed home . It was a great trip and like the year before I felt good about the progress I had made.
Now it's 2017 .Not doing much work on the camp this year,I'm just enjoying it. Here is what I previously posted about this summer :
I've been real lax in posting here in my blog lately. Not for lack of stuff to write about and pictures to share but mostly just out of laziness .Sometimes I get this way. Been busy ,I painted my neighbors house for her,went out to Michigan to get my little bike,went up to the camp in July and rode & kayaked,Got the Moto Guzzi running real well and went to visit with my friend Juan who now lives up in the Hudson River Valley. Took a road trip to White Rose Motorcycle Club in PA .So,there are lots of things to talk about.The Michigan trip has already been covered so I guess I'll start with my ride up to the Adirondacks in my old 71 Chevy truck. After breaking my ass packing all I needed for the week I headed out.I had the 1971 Yamaha R5 and my kayak in the back of the truck with the rest of my camping gear and off I went at 4:45 to get the AM ferry to Bridgeport ,CT
.It was a good day and I made great time arriving exactly seven hours after leaving the ferry .It was a nice day until I hit this very heavy rain about 50 miles north of Albany.It came down in buckets ! I pushed on and after leaving the Northway to cross the Adirondacks I stopped to eat on the side of the road.It was letting up some as I ate and by the time I was ready to roll it had stopped so the ride thru the High Peaks area was ok.The sun came out as I neared my camp up in the northwest corner of the park and when I arrived in early afternoon it was dry enough to unload and set up my camp.
Setting up is no easy task ,it takes hours to unload,take the boards off the windows and door,wheel everything up the hill in the wheel barrel ,clean the place,set up the water pump and hoses ,the shower area,and the house . After the place was set up I still had time to drive the seven miles to the store to get ice for the ice chests which I did before calling it a day.
Woke up to a beautiful day and decided to head into town to go shopping and get all the supplies I was going to need for the next couple days.As I was having breakfast I was listening to my weather radio and hearing that I was going to have a great week weather wise so made up my mind to just call this a vacation and not work.I'm going riding and kayaking is what I was thinking as I was finishing my coffee . Cleaned up some and off I went on my bike to get food for a couple days and check my emails at the local coffee shop.
The trip into Potsdam is a nice ride especially if I take the back roads thru Lake Ozonia .It's a good ride thru the woods and adds about 5 or 6 miles to the trip. So,I went off and did a short side trip before going shopping. Went riding lots on this trip,every day actually. On the 4th of July I decided to go riding so I packed up my bike with some stuff,my computer,and the rain gear just in case and off I went towards Potsdam .Hit the coffee shop to get online and have my last cup of coffee for the day.As I'm sitting there checking my emails this older guy comes up to me and proclaims "It has to be you" I look up with this puzzled look and he says "it has to be you who owns that beautiful Yamaha out there" and for the next twenty minutes we talk bikes.He ,like so many others in my age group no longer rides.For some reason these guys just quit and you can see it in them that they wish they hadn't.The excuses are always about family or to dangerous or some combination of the two and I just smile and usually say that it doesn't matter what happens out there because when your number is up it's up and going out doing what you love sure beats cancer or some other garbage that we all will get sooner or later anyway. Not me,I'm gonna ride right on out of this life if I have any say in things.This usually shuts them down and they end the conversation shortly after.This guys story was about this old bike he had that got stolen by some guy who he brought around to see it.Then he tells me this happened 40 years ago.Oh well,you either are a biker or you wish you were .After finishing my coffee I headed out the door and fired my bike up to go get gas and ride.Now at the gas station I fill the bike and go inside to get my change.As I'm walking across the parking lot I see this guy on a modern dirt bike checking out my bike.We start talking .We talk bikes,the state of the country,and all sorts of other shit for about ten minutes then he invites me to go riding with him.Of course I accept and we head on over to his place to tell his wife we are going out riding for the afternoon and also to switch bikes.It turns out he's another one like me with lots of bikes so after checking out all his cool machines he decides which one to take and off we went on a hundred plus mile ride all over the northwest part of the Adirondacks on back roads.It was a great ride and I made a friend. What a great way to spend the 4th of July I was thinking as I headed back over towards St Regis Falls to my camp and dinner.Spent the next couple days in my kayak and riding in the evenings. I decided to explore the river over in Potsdam this trip. It was good.I put in right in town at this park owned by the university and headed upstream.Found that there are all these islands up stream with trails on them but didn't have any rope to tie off my kayak so I just explored all the little coves and worked my way around the shoreline.
Spent the better part of four hours exploring this day and as I was paddling back towards the put in site I decided I'd return the next day with some rope so I can tie up and check out the islands some.
Returned to camp in the late afternoon and went riding.It was a good ride out to the north and the flat land of the St Lawrence River Valley where it's very rural with small and large farms scattered about.Took some dirt roads and had lots of fun just wandering before calling it a day
Woke up to another beautiful day and headed back to the river with a rope attached to my kayak this time.It was a warm sunny day as I put in .Paddled over to the big island where the trails are and they have a small dock where you can tie up.
After exploring some on the island I paddled up river as far as I could go where there is a dam then turned and let the current take me home .It was a great way to spend another afternoon and I enjoyed it tremendously . Loaded up the truck and headed back to camp but not before stopping for an ice cream cone on this warm July day in Northern New York.Went out riding after dinner.I figured I had better because the next day it was time to start loading the truck for the trip home.Rode over towards Parishville then headed along the river out into the sticks.Found this side road with a small wooden bridge over the river so I took it.Met this woman on a 4 wheeler on the other side and she told me about this place up the road where lots of bikers go for lunch and to fill up with the non ethanol gas they sell there.So,now on my next trip up I have a new place to explore.My next trip up,Hmmm that will be next week in the beginning of September .Well,this summer has flown by and there is still more to report on from it like my trip up to visit Juan for a couple days.This trip was in August . As usual it started with a ferry trip across LI Sound It was only an hour and a half ride over to his place in Cold Spring in the Hudson River Valley.Got there early,around 10AM and had coffee while we caught up.Then off we went on an adventure to ride up north a couple hours to this art installation called ART OMI . It was a really cool place filled with all these sculptures on a hundred or more acres out in the country.The ride up was nice.We stopped for lunch in Rhinebeck then pushed on.Spent a couple hours checking out this place.Took lots of photos too.Here are a few,enjoy !
Rode back south to Cold Spring and relaxed outside for the evening then the next day we were off to ride some more into the Catskills.It was a good day of riding as we avoided the rain drops.It did rain but not on us .Saturday morning I got up with the birds chirping after a night of heavy rain.I was sure that I'd be heading home in rain wearing my rain gear but much to my surprise it was a beautiful morning and at a little after 7AM I hit the road to back road it east to I - 84 and Danbury where I get back on good road thry the woods down to Bridgeport and the ferry back to Long Island. It was a good 3 day trip and I got in about 500 miles of riding. Notice the smaller pack,it was nice just going light for a change.No camping on this trip so much less gear to carry.But,on the next trip that began 4 days later that wouldn't be the case.
I thought I had a week or more to do some things and get ready to go down to PA and the Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Show at White Rose MC but that wasn't the case.I got home from Juan's on Saturday and on Monday morning I get this email from one of my friends asking if I'm going to White Rose on Thursday.That's when I realized I had three days to get ready and get outta here.Well,the bike was good for the most part but I decided to get a new battery before going on this trip.So,Tuesday I did that then slow charged it overnight before installing it.I was on the 7AM boat to Bridgeport on Thursday morning again heading out for a week of bike show and camping.Wandering around after the 3 days at White Rose with my friends heading northwest alone on my bike.It was good ! Had a great time at White Rose with my friends.Met some new people.This one couple stands out in my mind.She is an artist and he does bikes .They are in an old school bus that has been turned into a very comfy home.Traveling around spreading the word on climate change ,living as much off the grid as possible and selling bike parts and art. Nice people. Here is a link to their site,check 'em out
The Bus
The Art
Rolled out of White Rose at around 10AM Sunday morning heading northwest.Camped out in the national forest and wandered on Monday camping in a new place.Didn't take any photos just wandered about on a loaded bike taking it all in.I like doing this,makes me feel like I'm on one of those epic journeys that I go on from time to time.Keeps me motivated and pointed towards the next one.On Tuesday I crossed into NY out in western NY and started heading east towards home.Rode the interstate for a few hours then back roads thru the Catskills.Crossed the Hudson at Kingston and camped in this state park I usually hit south of Rhinebeck that is a short two hour ride from the ferry back to LI.Was home by 3PM on Wed and my trip was over.So,there you have it.I'm up to date now and getting ready to head out again at some point next week .Back up to camp.Juan may ride up with me.I am going to work on the stream and the bridge.Should be fun and then I'm back up there again the end of September for two weeks with Celia.So,there will be more to write about shortly .Summer has flown by this year. It's been cool and wet but I got lots of riding in and with any luck I'll be getting more.
Now it's 2018
Getting Ready To Travel
Now It's Two Weeks Later !
Never worked on the truck, The price of gas made me rethink my plan and I pressed the good old 1965 Valiant Rat Wagon into service for my trip up to St Regis Falls. She didn't need much , a tune up and an oil change basically , I did a few other little things then packed her up and headed off. Had a great trip . Everywhere I went people were giving me the thumbs up as I rolled down the road with my kayak tied to the roof .The camp came thru the winter ok,no trees were down on the buildings and everything was exactly as I left it back in October. The weather was so so, kind of cold and damp then a couple nice days .I got out and wandered around.Bought supplies so the place is stocked for me to return in July on a motorcycle. This was really the point of this short trip. I'm back home now.I was only there from Friday afternoon to Wednesday morning. Not nearly enough time to enjoy myself but better than not going at all so I can't really bitch too much.Never got to use my kayak but I will at some point this season.Just being out in the woods all alone was enough to make me happy.I love being out there in the quiet with the animals.Lots of birds .I saw a turkey at the end of the road as I was coming in and as I was packing to leave there were these two herons just going crazy making a racket for a couple hours . The moon was full the other night but I didn't hear any coyotes . I like it when they carry on at night in the woods. So,now I'm back here in Long Island. Drove home yesterday ahead of the rain and the coming 4th of July weekend .Supposed to go out on this vintage motorcycle ride the 7th up in Connecticut . You know,a tiddler tour hosted by a friend Dave Roper .Haven't ridden with Dave in many years. We used to have these vintage events years ago out on eastern LI but that was twenty something years ago.It should be fun.I'm going to ride up on my 1965 Yamaha YDS3 . Tomorrow I will start servicing her and get her inspected so she's all ready and legal. It will be good going out on a long ride on the YDS3. Been way too long .
Today I worked on my friend Steve's 65 Plymouth Barracuda. Sure felt
good to work on an old car with a friend again. I loaned him a motor to
use in it while he gets an original 1965 motor for it.
Actually I have the 65 motor for him and as soon as I get a good running
66 motor for my project I can let him have it.The loaner motor is a
good one but a later model slant 6 from an early 70's car.I had it in
this Valiant my wife was driving about 10 years ago.She got in a pretty
bad accident and the thing was totaled so I parted it out.Some 80 year
old guy not paying attention just made a left at a fairly good speed
right into her and that was it.So,yesterday we got that motor running again for the first time in 10 years.She started right up and runs like a top ! Now we can continue tweeking that Barracuda so Steve can start driving her.My wagon is next.Bought a set of good used quarter panels last week on line.They should be here soon and then we will do all the rust repair on her.Plan is to do all the body & paint on my wagon first to sharpen our skills and them do a real nice job on the Barracuda. I like doing body & paint work and am good at it but it's been over 10 years since the last one so we practice on the wagon before doing the resto quality work on the Cuda . 20 years ago I sectioned in quarters on my wagon.Made them out of 65 Barracuda quarters. They lasted 20 years so I can't complain.Now it's that time again and I'll be doing this same job all over.So you see,it isn't like I'm clueless as to how to do this major surgery on my baby !
I'm psyched ! Finally,this car is getting the repairs she deserves . Took my wagon up to my camp last week and she used 3/4 rs of a quart of oil in the 1000 miles that I put on her.Not bad for a 53 year old motor that has never been rebuilt .These cars are rare these days,Most of them have been crushed.Sure glad I saved this one.
My Fall Trip Up To Camp 2018
My Ride Up To The Adirondacks
Got to my camp around two thirty in the afternoon and found it just as I had left it a month ago when I was up on my Moto Guzzi 850-T. As I was setting up my neighbors stopped by to say hello .It’s a nice feeling knowing some people here again.I used to have friends here but they have all either moved away or died so for the past few years I have been alone up here while doing my thing.I like being alone so it’s not a problem for me but I also like being with people and it’s good to be making some new friends here again. Here is my old friend Cosmic Bob taken when I rode out west on my Moto Guzzi in Montana where he settled.
This guy used to own 30 acres across the road from me.He was a logger and taught me how to use a chain saw, hunt grouse, and we built a log cabin together with these two high school kids he knew who also became good friends. Bob and I cut all the trees ,skinned them ,and skidded them to the site using a small three wheeler, and a tractor where we could . Ah, the good old days in The Falls .They all moved on.
Last year in 2017 on July 4th I was here and had my 1971 Yamaha R5B with me. Brought it up in my old ’71 ChevyC20 truck with my kayak .I was out riding it when I went into the coffee shop in Potsdam NY to get online and check my emails.I’m sitting there when this old guy comes up to me and declares “ It has to be you” I look up with a puzzled look and he explains that he was talking about me being the owner of that beautiful Yamaha outside. So, we talked bikes for about twenty minutes and went on with our lives.
I needed gas for the bike and there is a station across the street from the coffee shop so I went there.As I was walking back to my bike after getting my change from the clerk inside I see this guy on a dirt bike checking out my Yamaha.We started talking bikes, the government, and all this other crap for about fifteen minutes when he asks me if I want to go for a ride with him.He explains he lives near by and has a whole bunch of bikes so I should follow him and he’ll show me his collection while he switches bikes.It turns out he’s another one like myself with ten or more bikes to ride all from different time periods ! So, he introduces me to his wife ,tells her we are going out riding and off we went on a 120 mile ride all over the western part of the Adirondacks. I made a friend ! After the ride we exchanged emails and phone numbers and I was on my way.
Now it’s 2018 and it’s July.I come up and we get together for a day of riding.This time I show him my part of the world up here to the east. I was on the Moto Guzzi and he was on a new Moto Guzzi Stornello .We had a great ride and a great lunch at this place he knew about over in Saranac Lake. Now it’s September and we are trying to workout a day to ride again to someplace nice.May go on Thursday if he’s free or some day next week.This trip I’ll be here a while so I’m sure we will get a ride in together.As for me, I ride every day it’s not raining.I had good weather Saturday on the ride up,Sunday to ride and get supplies, and yesterday on Monday to get more supplies after going riding for a hundred miles thru the woods on backroads.This K100 loves these backroads.It’s a different bike up here in the country than it is at home in the suburbs of New York City. Here she can breath . There is no traffic ,no stop signs, no lights, just open road with very few cars.I’M LOVING IT !
Yesterday it rained most of the day.Did stuff around the camp and kept a fire going in the stove to keep the dampness at bay.Managed to get a shower during one of the short dry spells .Cold showers are the norm here.The stream is ice cold but warms up some when it rains so I got a not so freezing shower. Being off the grid is good but there is a price to pay. I use stream water for my utility water. I pump it with a small pump that I run off a 2100 watt generator.Usually I take gas from the motorcycle when I’m up on 2 wheels if the can is empty.It’s kinda hard to cary five gallons of gas in a can on a bike but with the “K “ I don’t want to be sticking that syphon tube into the tank and run the risk of fucking up some wires or hoses . Today I got lucky and my neighbor brought me into town with him and I filled the can so now I’m good for the rest of this trip as far as fuel for the generator goes . This is rainy day stuff ,dealing with these chores that suck up time that I don’t want to waste on nice days when I can be riding.Tomorrows forecast is for blue Skys and temps in the 60’s F so you know what I’ll be doing. For now though it’s chores.Gonna run the generator and do the breakfast dishes while I’m also charging the 12v car battery I run my stereo with , this computer & iPod will also get charged some. I have the place set up sort of like a boat . Kerosene lamps 12v radio . It works for me.So far the bike has been treating me well and the next couple days she will be out there running down the road up here in the North Country of New York. Soon the leaves will be changing and it will be all colors everywhere I ride. Can’t wait !
The Ninth Day
Now it’s October 2nd and I’ve been here for nine days. The colors are amazing ! Been riding lots on the days it’s not raining. Yes ,it’s been raining lots , pretty much every other day or two it will rain for two days then clear for a day then rain for two more days.Climate change in action . Today is the second day I’m spending in my bunker here in the woods because of this last bout of wetness.Wasn’t so bad the other times ‘cause it would let up for a few hours and I did stuff like cut fire wood and whatnot but this time it’s a steady heavy rain.I had to disconnect my water pump down at the stream before out of fear the stream will overflow it’s banks and ruin it. Moved it to higher ground until the stream drops .It’s rising fast now.There is a small lake that has backed up at my bridge .Ah, this is life on a motorcycle out in the woods of Northern New York State.It’s always a challenge and I kind of like that.
The bike is treating me well.I went out riding with my friend Rick last week, rode a few days alone, and now tomorrow we are supposed to ride again.The forecast is for clearing overnight and partly sunny tomorrow so we have a day.Thursday the shit weather returns as a cold front moves across and Friday is dry again. The weekend is all rain so I’m going to make a break for it and head south towards home on Friday morning.There is no point sitting here in the woods alone just burning up wood and hanging out.It’s been nice being alone but I have had enough for now.I kind of thrive on it but when I can’t go out and ride and just sit here day after day it gets old.It wouldn’t be bad at all if I had my painting supplies with me .I used to paint when I came up on days like this but when I gutted the building three years ago to begin the fix up that stuff left.Gotta remember to bring an easel ,a few canvases ,and my oils up next time I come in a 4 wheel vehicle.
.So, now I start to plan my ride south towards home.I’m thinking of taking back roads and possibly camping in the Catskills somewhere. Yeah , I’ll take NY RT 30 south instead of the ride across the mountains to the east to the interstate. 30 is a good road on a bike and goes right thru the Adirondacks and the Catskills .That puts me a couple hours from the ferry across the LI Sound to Port Jefferson and home.Maybe I’ll get lucky and ride out of this wet pattern of weather we are stuck in up here in the Adirondacks, , maybe not . My little NOAA radio will tell me that story when I get down south.
I’ve been able to run the K on NON ETHANOL FUEL ! What a difference. My gas mileage went way up, maybe 10% or more and the bike is way smoother. All that bucking at low speeds has gone away.It must be that fucking alcohol they dump into our fuel here in the US that is the cause of that.Can’t get this good fuel in the populated areas like the burbs of New York City where I live most of the time.My other bikes aren’t as sensitive to it but this bike is the exception. Must be the computer controls and the effect they have on the A/F mixture.All I know is that as of now the K 100 has passed the test ! She’s not only a keeper but she’s the bike that is going to take me all over North America next year.Now that I have made this decision I feel comfortable buying the rest of the parts I need to make her the machine to get that trip done.Gonna start with the cooling system. Then after I recover from the sticker shock from that it’s a new mono shock.I also want to lube the splines.I think I’ll do the splines soon and get that behind me because it’s a no dollar job.Seems like a lot of work to get at them but like everything , once you do it it is easier the next time so I’m going to dive in and use up that tube of Honda Moly I did the Moto Guzzi with the last time.
I love making plans for the future even though most times they get changed. Well time to shut this down for now.Gotta cook some lunch on the wood stove.It’s probably grilled cheese today but I have a real good dinner planned for this evening that I actually began making last evening.Tomorrow I ride .
Now It’s Later
The weather forecast has changed somewhat .It’s about 8PM now and I have started rethinking my plans to travel.Tomorrow is now starting off as cloudy and foggy with some afternoon clearing .At 2PM it was a different forecast of partly sunny and dry.Thursday is supposed to be cloudy and dry in the morning with a 50% chance of afternoon showers.Friday is still looking OK but I’m just sitting here dead in the water . I’m thinking I may head south tomorrow late morning and get as far as I can get before dark to put some distance between me and this shitty weather.Looks like I’ll have to skip riding with my friend Rick.Well, I’ll make the decision in the morning.I may stay tomorrow, cut some firewood ,and go riding a little in the afternoon with Rick.Gotta see what develops .It’s no fun traveling thru the mountains in 50 degree F rain so if I can avoid that I will.It’s always a crap shoot up here this time of year.Last year it was incredible but I was in a car with my wife not on a motorcycle .Had fun hiking and exploring but I was chomping at the bit to get out and ride thru the countryside while the trees were exploding in color .So, tomorrow morning will tell the story . I’ll see what the weather is and make the call then.
The Last Full Day
Got a forecast for good weather Friday again this morning so I guess I can believe it.It’s been raining her for days now.The woods are very wet and the stream is full so when we get a downpour it backs up causing me to move my little 120v water pump .The cold showers are kind of nice actually.At first they seem brutal but after one or two of them I get used to them.Got one last night between rain showers.Got to ride into Potsdam yesterday too ! Whew, it sure felt good to ride after being caged up in my cabin for two days.The ride was to get some needed supplies so I could wait out this crappy weather.I have to buy my drinking and cooking water now that the nazi’s in the state government closed every spring in the state last year.For 40 years I got my drinking water down the road from a spring that the whole town used.That water was incredible.I used to bottle it and bring it home by the case so I could have it down in the city. But, those bastards seem to think they know what is best for the rest of us.Bullshit ! Is what I say to that.So anyway I rode the 25 miles to Potsdam where the food coop is and got another gallon of water and enough food to make it thru one extra day.It was misting out ,not wet enough for the rain gear but wet enough to use my little windshield wiper I put on my thumb.Now the bike is all gased up and ready to go tomorrow morning.I’m pretty much packed up with just what I need left to put into the bags.This afternoon I board up the windows so I don’t have to waste time in the morning, put away the water equipment, close up the barn and clean the place some.In the morning it’s just the beading ,breakfast dishes, and packing the bike with my gear before I put the board over the door. It’s always a sad time for me to leave. I love it here but living here is impossible .The weather is too fucked up, there isn’t enough days to ride, winter starts way too soon and drags on until sometime in April ,then, the black flies attack for a month.So,I come and visit when I can and try to bring a bike if I don’t ride one up like this time.Actually I prefer to bring a smaller bike like my 1971 Yamaha R5B up in my truck rather than riding up and being trapped here on rainy days. This trip has reenforced that belief. It gets mighty lonely out here in the woods alone for days on end.I do like it but after a while it gets to be too much.I’m not at that point yet but I can see it looming on the horizon .Tomorrow I ride ! I have a cold night ahead of me with frost in the morning but by 10AM it will be warm enough to hit the road and sunny.I’ll probably get down into the Hudson River Valley area by late afternoon, set up camp in a state park and finish up the trip the next morning. Called home yesterday and my wife looked on the weather for me.What she says is Friday and Saturday will be sunny with temps in the high 60’s F down state so I’ll be heading into better weather .
It has been a good trip.The bike has treated me well and I had lots of fun on those days I got out on her. The ride tomorrow thru the mountains should be a good one with lots of Fall leaves showing their colors off all over the place and as I head south it will start to return to late summer and green. Fall is my favorite time.It’s the colors , they always inspire me to paint .Sure hope that happens this year.You see, coming up here extends that season by almost a full month.I’ll be at the beach next week swimming and paddling around in my kayak waiting for Fall to catch up with me . She will and when she does I’ll be riding out to Eastern Long Island after all the crowds of pumpkin pickers are gone .Our leaves at home change in the beginning of November. Our weather is also much better for riding but the price for that better weather is millions of idiots in SUV’s totally distracted with their devices or putting on make up in the rear view mirror while piloting a 7000 lb Lincoln Navigator down the interstate at 75 or 80 MPH. Some of them read newspapers while they are driving.It’s a scary place to ride a motorcycle. Can’t wait to move to the desert in Arizona ! I want to spend my last days riding the west. I turn 70 in April .I’m still in good health and fit. If I can I want to ride right out of this asylum and skip the medical professions bullshit.So,I need a warmer climate where I can head to the mountains to escape the heat and be far enough south to escape the cold.South east Arizona fits that bill. I’ll have to sell my camp here in Northern New York to pull this off .This will be one of the hardest things I will ever have to do.
The trip down from St Regis Falls went as planned and was a good ride.I started getting ready the day before on Thursday. Worked all day packing up, got the building all boarded up except for the door, got the water equipment all stowed away, the bags all packed and so on so in the morning it would be an easy exit. It was a cold last night in the place.Had to keep a fire going all night because as it cleared the temps dropped down into the lower 30’s F . Got up early but it was way too cold to ride so I took my time ,made a good breakfast, packed the bike and by 10:30 I was ready to hit the road. Once the sun got up into the sky it warmed up and it was a real nice ride across the Adirondacks towards the southeast. The leaves were peaking and there was color all over the place from my camp all the way down to Lake George 3 hours away. The road was my own . I love traveling on a weekday in October, the roads are empty ! As I made my way south the green returned to the trees and once into the Hudson River Valley south of Albany it was like a time warp back into late summer.
Spent the night at a state park south of Reinbeck . The place was pretty full but it was OK for a stop over. I met this couple who had this great tent .I’m looking for a real good tent for my trip out west next summer so I was glad to actually meet someone I could talk with about one. I think I found what I’m looking for.
Here is a link to it: After leaving the park and starting on my final ride to home the bike did a strange thing.It just quit as I was going down the road at 50 mph I flipped the kill switch back & forth and she came back to life.Must have moved it ever so slightly when starting I guess. Then, a mile or two down the road it did it again . I flipped it back & forth again and all was good again . That was the end of it and it ran great to home. Funny how it acted up at the beginning and the end of the trip but ran GREAT for the 2500 miles I covered in between. I think that kill switch was the cause of the first 3 misses when I started out as well now that I am thinking about it.Sometimes you just have to roll with this shit to figure it out !
This is the tent I want for my cross country trip next summer in 2019 . I think this will keep me and my gear good and dry. This was the final test ride to decide if I can use this bike next summer and it passed with flying colors !
Now in 2019.
I spent lots of time up at my camp this summer.Went kayaking in the Santa Clara Flow and on the East Branch of the St Regis River and over in a place near Saranac Lake called Jones Pond.
First Trip Up To My Camp
My first river was just down the road from my camp about a 5 minute drive. The Santa Clara Flow . It's a section on the St Regis River that is nice flat water for a few miles back into a wilderness area.It was a great paddle that was about an hour and a half up river and then back with the flow. I figured I went about 3/4th way up to where the first rapids are.Next time I'll start earlier and go the distance.Here are a bunch of photos from this wonderful place
What a great afternoon this was.I was out there all alone with nature and it was amazing.Heard some bull frogs croaking ,saw a great blue heron ,a couple hawks and some fish in the water that were good size.
Spent the next day doing the chores like getting the plywood and going to the food co op .It was a rainy day so it was time well spent getting the chores finished.Things at my camp are good.I like being there all alone.Gives me time to think and get my bearings . Had plenty of music to listen too on my MP3 player that I run thru a car stereo into speakers.It's kinda cool living off the grid up there.The pump worked good so I had cold showers at will which came in real handy on the hot days.The generator worked good so I had electricity to charge the 12v car battery I run the stereo with and the water pump . Had to light the wood stove one morning but only that one time this trip. It was really beautiful weather. The next river I did was the east branch of the St Regis River over by Everton Falls off the Red Tavern Rd. I like this place .Been here a few times and always enjoy it.It's flat water up stream for a good ways then I turn around and let the river take me back.Lots of twists and turns on this river and it's not wide like the other place so there is more current.Met a group traveling down stream from a few miles up stream from my turn around point.They walked the rapids and had cars waiting down where I put in.Nice people .After a brief chat I was on my way back into the woods
As I got upstream some I came across an old beaver lodge and just a little farther a dam they built to make a pond in the wet lands.
This was another good afternoon of paddling. It is so relaxing being out in nature like this. Quiet and peaceful , no people , no cars , and so much beauty my brain almost shorts out .
The next day I went to a lake over near Paul Smiths called Jones Pond.It was another very nice place.Lots of fish jumping and again,very private but public land there to be enjoyed.Met these two women just finishing up their time out on the water.They loved my old Valiant Station Wagon. Had a nice conversation with them and in the water I went.
The rest of my time was spent at my camp relaxing and just enjoying my little piece of paradise . It was a very restful and enjoyable time for me this time.The car never missed a beat,the weather was really good,and I was happy to be out in the woods again at my camp.
The Fall trip was ok. I got some nice days and had some rain.I cleaned out the area in the cabin where I had the siding piles so I can use it as a painting studio again.All the generator woes have been solved .
Still Alive And Kicking
And in the Fall the trip was also good but the weather was going south real fast . I'm sure glad I was in a car this year.
An Update Of Sorts
Back in July I found a Moto Guzzi parts bike for a hundred bucks .I jumped on it and when I returned from this August trip began to strip it while I was figuring out what was wrong with my little generator. I ordered a bridge rectifier , new brushes went in ,still no power so I pulled the actual generator apart from the motor and yanked out the armature. I found a broken wire from the field to one of the two slip rings the brushes ride on. This is why she wasn't making electricity ! Fixed that put it all back together with the new parts I ordered and she worked like a charm. Then I got a kit to rebuild the leaking carburetor and fixed that so when I took it upstate I'd have reliable power.
Kept on striping the bike and doing the yard work over at my friends house until it was time to head north again in the last week of September.
I ordered a new clutch for my Moto Guzzi as well. It has been down with a bad clutch since spring and I missed my old friend. Decided I'd do the clutch job when I returned from my camp in October. The trip up to camp went well.My little 1965 Valiant station wagon did just fine as I expected it would. The weather was good at first but then the rain started in. I had my paints and my little studio area all set up so I started working on a painting
I had a good trip,It got cold near the end and I had to cut down three dead trees for firewood .I had the stove going pretty good for a few days .One night it got down to 22 degrees F but I was warm as toast with that wood stove burning that wood I cut.The ride home was pleasant ,no problems and I made good time.When I returned I dove into the Moto Guzzi clutch replacement job.It's never easy,it always expands,and it always is a battle that I win after a sometimes rather long fight. This job was no different.After a week of fooling with this it was finished and on Saturday I rode it out to the bike shop and had her inspected so she's legal. Had a couple bugs to get rid of not related to the clutch so Saturday night I did that . Sunday I took her out for a three hour test ride under all conditions. I went slow ,I hit the interstate and went fast ,I worked her and she never missed a beat !
Now I'm here on this rainy day back in Long Island fixing up a friends shed for him. Got rained out today so I'm writing this long overdue blog post. Things are good with me but I sure miss the woods and cooking my breakfast on the fire out back. It will be June before I get to have the pleasure of having my coffee while cooking pancakes on the camp fire again !
So there you have it ,the story of my camp fix up and my time there since 2015 all in one post. It's too bad I lost what I originally posted,it was way more interesting but it is what it is..
Now it's almost Thanksgiving 2019 .My Moto Guzzi is back in service, the BMW is still working good , and I'm getting my truck and my 76 Dodge Aspen back in service to use for winter.With any luck that will be done by mid week this week and I can finally get to the restoration work on my little 65 Valiant station wagon that I have been putting off for way too long.
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