Sometimes I paint like crazy and sometimes I don’t paint for months or even a year or more but I always seem to get back to painting at some point.I have a couple paintings I have worked on for years,One I call finished only to start up on it again a decade later and make changes then there is this other one that has been an ongoing project since 2015 ! It started out as a desert painting on a 24 X 48 inch canvas looking like this

I worked on it and wasn’t very happy but kept on going in that direction for a while and got it to this

And then it went to this and I hated it

And I still went forward with it in this same direction to here where I let it sit for quite some time before deciding to sand it down and do something different.

A couple years passed and I got busy working on my camp and started spending lots of time up in the woods . Went up to close the place up for the winter in the Fall of 2017 and when I returned it went in a different direction and morphed into this

I still had the desert thing going on in my mind but the sky had other ideas and as I looked at it for a few weeks it changed yet again into this

Now I was becoming happy with it and decided I would continue down this road working on it some here and there between other projects I had going on back in 2018 when this last photo was taken. Basically it was left abandoned behind the tv out of sight and out of mind until this year. Yup, now it’s 2021 and I’m back at it.I worked on it some over the past month but haven’t taken any photos so now I’m going to cary it outside and photograph it so I can finish up with this post.I have other stuff to do today like the transmission work on my 1965 Valiant station wagon . This painting is now in it’s final stages and is rainy day work when I have nothing else going on .I think slowing it down like I did was a good thing. It gave it time to grow in my mind from the input that I was getting from my time up in the Adirondacks at my camp in the Fall when I usually just go up to vacation and not work.I liked working this large canvas.I think I’ll get another and bring it up to the camp to work it over the season this year. Well, anyway, here it is as of today.I last worked on it this past Sunday and as it progresses I am starting to see other things in it that aren’t on the canvas yet so it’s going to continue for a bit longer I guess.