Been outside working on the shed some and also doing yard work at home.The shed is coming along nicely and in it's final stages of construction.I have the door all built and hung and am now working on trimming the building out.

Next it's the corner trim pieces and then the batting strips to mimic a board and bat constructed shed. Monday I started doing the yard work I put off last Fall when I started working on the shed.Just didn't have enough time to get it all built and secured for winter plus rake leaves and other chores at home.Been putting lots of my personal things off to do these jobs .I really need to retire from doing these big time consuming jobs and focus more on my own self interests.This is what I was thinking as I was raking up the leaves from last year that I should have raked up back in November.As I was doing this it came to me , I love gardening and working on old motorcycles & cars way more that doing work for people. I raked up to a point where I had a pile of paving stones ,one of three , and decided I am going to finally use these to build a nice border around this area that I'm planting flowers and bushes in out in my back yard.So , I started , I moved a bunch of stone from my work space to the freshly cleaned back yard and began. This is going to be a fun project and it will make Celia , my wife, happy. But I still need to get back to my roots ! I have three motorcycle in various stages of restoration that I need to get finished,I need to start selling some of my motorcycles off to raise money to move out west and I love doing this as well as gardening so come June or July when I get the last job I have committed to, Steve's open floor plan renovation with the new kitchen and stuff all finished I'm not taking on any more work until I get my own projects done. It takes a lot of effort to restore a motorcycle . This Drop Box link is to a restoration I did for my friend Tony years ago.It is a replica of his first motorcycle that he had back in the mid 1960's. The bike is a 1966 Yamaha YM1 ,a 305 cc twin cylinder two stroke. I did a ground up on this bike
Yes, it's time to get back to these :
Unfinished 1966 YM1 Unfinished 1970 DS6C Unfinished but very close 1970 DS6C Waiting to be restored 1970 DS6B My 1966 YM1 at Rice O Rama Me on my 1969 DS6C The Paintwork I did on my YM1 My YM1
So, you see ,I have plenty of work ahead of me and it's all about my roots.I'm beginning my 57 th year of riding a motorcycle this May ! It all started with this little 1965 Yamaha YJ1 (Riverside55) that I bought new as a 16 year old kid the day I got my drivers license .Knew nothing about motorcycles then.The owner of the shop, a man called Joe Lang ,sat me on this bike in front of his dealership in Huntington NY ,a place called Scooters USA , and showed me how to work the controls ,patted me on the back ,sent me up the street and back then told me " you're good to go kid" and this incredible journey had begun. That red and white unfinished bike in the photos above came from his shop.I bought it from the original owner, a friend who has passed away, back in 2013 or so.It came with 6800 miles on the clock and all the original paperwork signed by that guy Joe Lang . This one is a keeper !
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