The Road

The Road

Saturday, September 14, 2024

What Now

 Well after heading north last Monday everything changed. I headed out at 4AM and drove up to my camp 360 or so miles away in the Adirondacks .It was a nice drive with good weather and no traffic .I arrived about 11:30AM to find that my bridge and most of my driveway on the street side of the bridge was gone! That's right, gone,washed away.

I climbed through the ruins and checked on my buildings , everything there was fine . Walked around in disbelief taking photos of downstream at the neighbors place and saw the same . He actually got hurt worse seeing as he just had his bridge completely rebuilt by a contractor just this past year. My bridge was built by the old farmer who is long gone now about 60 or 70 years ago.He was a real nice man. I bought the property next to mine from him back in the early 1980's.

After about 45 minutes I got in my truck and headed back home. I drove roughly 720 miles this day. Now here I am trying to figure a path forward. This mess is the result of Tropical Storm Debbie back in August . It cause damage like this everywhere it visited. So, now it's Saturday and here I am thinking about how to proceed .I'm on my own up there with no one to help me so it will be a huge undertaking but being the fighter I am I will prevail!

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